26 West Main Street, PO Box 69, Mohawk, New York 13407
As one of nine Federal Economic Development Districts (EDD) in New York State, MVEDD has been serving Fulton, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida, Otsego, and Schoharie Counties since 1966. MVEDD received our EDD designation from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA). MVEDD’s original services included distributing loans and assisting municipalities to obtain EDA funding, which is still a primary function of the organization. We work to fulfill the EDA mission in our region, which is “…to create and retain jobs and to help stimulate industrial and commercial growth in distressed rural and urban communities.”
MVEDD has greatly broadened its service umbrella since its inception. We have worked with nearly all of the 169 unique municipalities located in the region. These partnerships allow municipalities to apply for funding and build relationships with EDA and other federal programs that can directly benefit the communities of the Mohawk Valley.
Our vision for the Mohawk Valley is to create a thriving region through inclusive economic development
practices that provide lasting solutions for our communities. Through collaborative partnerships, innovative programs, and community engagement, MVEDD works to foster economic well-being for the
communities we serve. By adopting new industries and holding onto our agricultural heritage, we hope to usher in the next chapter of economic growth and opportunity. MVEDD staff is continuously working
to create new initiatives and programs to support progress.
Mohawk Valley Rehabilitation Corporation (MORECO) was established in 1978, in part, to relieve and reduce unemployment, promote and to provide for additional and maximum employment, to better and to maintain job opportunities, encouraging the development of, or retention of, an industry in the community. MORECO falls under the umbrella of MVEDD.
MVEDD has forged collaboration and cultivated funding for the shared interests of the Mohawk Valley. Our counties include Fulton, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida, Otsego, and Schoharie. We are a private, not-for-profit corporation under the Internal Revenue Code [501-C(3)].
Operation of the District comes from a federal government planning grant (EDA), local government contributions, and loan interest and fees charged to business clients.
Directors are elected by district members and represent all member counties. At least 51% of our Directors must be elected public officials. Our other Directors represent a cross-section of experienced individuals from industrial, commercial, and financial sectors.
Infrastructure planning and development, lender of last resort for businesses, and local government training and assistance.
MVEDD cooperates with a variety of community organizations, attends their meetings and participates in joint projects.
Dr. Mari Kate Mycek, in partnership with Intermountain COVID-19 Impact Consortium (ICIC) and using research by colleagues from Bassett Research Institute, SUNY Cobleskill, SUNY Oneonta, and Zogby Strategies, published a paper on understanding the impact COVID-19 has had on parents and child care providers in our region.
Mohawk Valley Economic Development District, Inc.
26 West Main Street, PO Box 69, Mohawk, New York 13407, United States
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