26 West Main Street, PO Box 69, Mohawk, New York 13407
MVEDD had such a good time at the other three homesteading events, we adding a holiday themed workshop - Wrap Up the Cheer or alternately, Recycle Christmas!
Wrapping Christmas gifts and gabbing.
Amanda is showing off her pigtails!
The stack of finished gifts!
Diego looking handsome in front of the tree (also channeling some mid-1980s photo backdrop).
MVEDD had a great time hosting our Homesteading Workshops. We've put together a resource guide for anyone that would like to recreate our workshops.
We invite anyone who puts on their own workshop to share it with us!
Use the link below to access our resource guide. Be sure to share your workshops with us!
MVEDD presented three FREE homesteading workshops:
1. In the House
2. Around the House
3. Feed the House
Thread the needle
Our host chatting with our demonstrator
Workshop participants
Demonstrating a hem
Lisa talking about sewing
WORMS! The worm bucket giveaway!
Amanda churning the compost wheel
Bernadette showing finished compost
Samantha presenting to the group.
The group getting ready to hear about composting
Milling around before the presentation
Samantha and Allysa posing.
Samantha presenting to the group.
Allysa showing beeswax food covering.
Allysa demonstrating how to melt the beeswax mixture for food coverings.
Mohawk Valley Economic Development District, Inc.
26 West Main Street, PO Box 69, Mohawk, New York 13407, United States
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