26 West Main Street, PO Box 69, Mohawk, New York 13407
MVEDD offers technical assistance for many municipal projects including (but not limited to):
MVEDD hosts a call every Monday starting at 9AM.
Municipality Mondays is an open opportunity for municipalities to call in and ask questions about community issues, grant funding, and other opportunities.
Call in: (646) 931- 3860, meeting ID: 875 4189 9621
MVEDD hosts a call every Wednesday at 10:30AM.
Ask our Energy Experts about funding opportunities and assistance with Climate Smart Communities certification, municipal planning, flood mitigation, and climate adaptation projects.
Call in: (646) 558-8656, meeting ID: 897 3032 8434
Mohawk Valley Economic Development District, Inc.
26 West Main Street, PO Box 69, Mohawk, New York 13407, United States
For more information on the Broadband Coalition Digital Equity Technical Assistance requests for proposal click the link below.